By aecc Nepal on Thursday, 01 December 2022
Category: Study Abroad

Essential tips to crack IELTS Exam Preparation

In our experience helping Nepalese students plan their study abroad journey, IELTS preparation has been the most challenging part. But of course, we only said it was challenging, not impossible. With the right kind of preparation and the right support in your preparation phase, you can crack it in no time.

So, let's start at the beginning. What exactly is IELTS?

Jointly owned by the British Council, IDP: Australia, and Cambridge English, IELTS is an International English Language Test designed for you to study, work, or migrate in countries where English is the native language.

It tests your ability to read, write, listen, and speak in the English System examination in 2 hours, 45 minutes. Let's learn about the IELTS test pattern. 

Table of Contents

​IELTS Exam Pattern:

Listening 40 Questions, 30 minutes
Academic Reading 40 Questions, 60 minutes
General Training Reading 40 Questions, 60 minutes
Academic Writing 2 Tasks, 60 minutes
General Training Writing 2 Tasks, 60 minutes
Speaking 11-14 minutes oral interview with the examiner

Want to know in detail about this? Head on to AECC's IELTS Syllabus: IELTS Reading, Writing & IELTS Listening page for a detailed discussion of IELTS pattern and syllabus only with AECC.

4 Easy Ways to Crack IELTS exam:

​Now that you have a brief on IELTS test preparation, let's look at the best way to crack the IELTS exam.

Now, you have the IELTS format and strategy ready. Let's get down to each section, shall we?

But, before we go forward, here is an interesting fact about IELTS.

IELTS Exam format:


Let's say you are in the UK, USA, or Australia—any one of your favourite study destinations on campus. You need good English listening skills to make it easy to understand your lectures, right?

So how do you do that?

The listening test is 30 minutes long and has four recordings. These recordings include

Here are a few tips to crack the listening test:

  1. Start listening to English podcasts, news, and songs on a regular basis. Give 15-20 minutes of your time daily to this activity.
  2. Give attention to dialects and accents, as understanding them plays a major role in the IELTS test.
  3. Make notes when you're listening, to check whether you heard it correctly or not.

Here are some of the listening guides specifically for IELTS:


"Read more books" is one of life's most important lessons for almost every adult. And rightly so, because once you start reading books and newspapers regularly, your command over a language gradually improves. 

But what sort of reading should one do in particular when preparing for IELTS? 

The academic and general reading tests include 40 questions and evaluate your ability to understand, identify information, the writer's view or claims, match headings, sentences, and a summary.

This can be a bit overwhelming at first. But, if you prepare strategically, there is a solid chance you can achieve your target score in IELTS. 

Let's learn more about these tips:

Need some reading material? Here are the reading guides specifically for IELTS:


The Speaking section of IELTS is 11–14 minutes with an interviewer. It is a test of your fluency and coherence, grammatical range and accuracy, and vocabulary.

Let's see what tips can help you ace this part of the test:


The IELTS Writing Section consists of 2 tasks. In the first, you are given a diagram or label and asked to describe it with facts or figures. In the second task you will be asked to write an essay on a given topic. There is a word limit of 150–250 words on each task, and you are expected to write your answers to match the exact word count.

Here are our tips on how you can achieve that:

We hope these tips come in handy for you in IELTS. For an IELTS-specific test preparation course, get in touch with us. Our students get a top-notch result every time.

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